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by Christopher Nolan


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Summary in 1 sentence

Memento is a psychological thriller about a man with short-term memory loss who uses notes and tattoos to hunt for the man he thinks killed his wife.

Summary in a Twitter post

A man with short-term memory loss uses notes and tattoos to hunt for his wife's murderer in a mind-bending, time-twisting thriller. #Memento #ChristopherNolan ️

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Guy with short-term memory loss uses notes, tattoos to find wife's killer. Story told in reverse. Mind-bending thriller!

Summary in a Facebook post

Just watched Christopher Nolan's mind-bending masterpiece, Memento. A gripping tale of a man with short-term memory loss, using notes and tattoos to hunt for his wife's murderer. The non-linear storytelling and reverse chronology keeps you on the edge of your seat. A must-watch for all thriller lovers! #Memento #ChristopherNolan

Summary in a 1 minute read

Memento is a psychological thriller directed by Christopher Nolan. The story follows Leonard Shelby, a man with anterograde amnesia, who is unable to create new memories. Leonard is on a mission to find and kill the man who raped and murdered his wife. He uses a system of notes, tattoos, and Polaroid photos to keep track of his life and the clues he uncovers. As he pieces together the puzzle of his wife's death, he realizes that his memory may not be as reliable as he thought. The film is told in a non-linear fashion, with scenes moving backwards and forwards in time, adding to the confusion and mystery. Leonard's journey is filled with twists and turns, as he struggles to uncover the truth and seek revenge. In the end, he discovers that his own mind has been deceiving him, and he may not be the hero he thought he was.

Summary in 1 page

  • Leonard Shelby is a man with anterograde amnesia, meaning he is unable to form new memories. He is on a mission to find and kill the man who raped and murdered his wife.
  • Teddy is a police officer who helps Leonard by giving him information and clues about the man he is looking for.
  • Natalie is a bartender who befriends Leonard and helps him in his quest for revenge.
  • Sammy Jankis is a man with a similar condition to Leonard’s, who Leonard uses as a cautionary tale to remind himself of the consequences of not being able to remember.

The movie begins with Leonard killing a man named Teddy, who he believes is the one responsible for his wife’s death. However, it is soon revealed that this is not the first time Leonard has killed someone he believed to be his wife’s killer. In fact, he has been on this quest for revenge for quite some time, using a system of notes, tattoos, and Polaroid pictures to keep track of his progress.

The story then jumps back in time to show how Leonard got to this point. Leonard’s wife was attacked and killed by two men, one of whom he managed to kill in the struggle. The other man, who Leonard refers to as “John G.”, escaped and is the one he is now searching for. Leonard’s anterograde amnesia was caused by a head injury he sustained during the attack, and he is unable to form new memories after that event.

Leonard’s condition makes it difficult for him to trust anyone, including himself. He constantly questions his own memories and the people around him. He meets Teddy, a police officer, who claims to be helping him find the man who killed his wife. Teddy gives Leonard information and clues, but Leonard is skeptical of his motives and often disregards his advice.

Leonard also meets Natalie, a bartender who takes an interest in him and offers to help him in his quest. She gives him a lead on a man named “Jimmy”, who she claims is the one responsible for his wife’s death. Leonard follows this lead and kills Jimmy, but soon realizes that he was not the right man. Natalie then reveals that she was using Leonard to get rid of her abusive boyfriend, Jimmy.

As the story progresses, it becomes clear that Leonard’s memories and perceptions may not be entirely reliable. He starts to question the truth behind his wife’s murder and the people he has been trusting. He also discovers that he has been lying to himself, using his condition as an excuse to justify his actions.

The movie is presented in a non-linear format, with scenes jumping back and forth in time. This adds to the confusion and disorientation experienced by Leonard and the audience. As the story unfolds, it becomes apparent that the scenes are not in chronological order, and the audience is left to piece together the events along with Leonard.

In the end, it is revealed that Teddy is actually John G., the man Leonard has been searching for. Teddy had been manipulating Leonard, using his condition to his advantage. He had been giving Leonard false information and leading him to kill innocent people, including Jimmy and Teddy himself. Leonard had unknowingly been using Teddy’s own system of notes and tattoos to track down and kill himself.

The movie ends with Leonard deciding to forget the truth and create a new memory for himself, one where he successfully avenges his wife’s death. He chooses to believe that Teddy is the one responsible and tattoos this information on his body, ensuring that he will continue his quest for revenge. The final scene shows Leonard driving away, ready to start his journey all over again.


  1. What is the movie Memento about?

    The movie follows a man with short-term memory loss as he tries to solve the mystery of his wife’s murder.
  2. Who directed Memento?

    Memento was directed by Christopher Nolan.
  3. When was Memento released?

    Memento was released in 2000.
  4. Is Memento based on a book?

    Yes, Memento is based on a short story written by Christopher Nolan’s brother, Jonathan Nolan.
  5. Who stars in Memento?

    Guy Pearce, Carrie-Anne Moss, and Joe Pantoliano star in Memento.
  6. What is the unique narrative structure of Memento?

    Memento is told in reverse chronological order, with black and white scenes shown in between to fill in the gaps.
  7. What is the significance of the tattoos in Memento?

    The main character, Leonard, uses tattoos to help him remember important information and clues about his wife’s murder.
  8. What is the meaning of the title “Memento”?

    The word “memento” is Latin for “remember,” which ties into the theme of memory and forgetting in the movie.
  9. Is Memento a thriller or a drama?

    Memento is a psychological thriller with elements of drama.
  10. What is the twist ending of Memento?

    Spoiler alert: The twist ending reveals that Leonard has been manipulating himself and others to continue his quest for revenge, even though he already killed his wife’s murderer.
  11. What is the significance of the Polaroid pictures in Memento?

    The Polaroid pictures serve as a visual representation of Leonard’s memory, as they are instant and can be easily manipulated or lost.
  12. Is Memento a nonlinear movie?

    Yes, Memento is a nonlinear movie due to its reverse chronological structure.
  13. What is the role of Sammy Jankis in Memento?

    Sammy Jankis is a character from Leonard’s past who serves as a cautionary tale for his own memory loss.
  14. What is the meaning of the quote “I have this condition” in Memento?

    The quote refers to Leonard’s short-term memory loss and how it affects his perception of reality.
  15. What is the significance of the color red in Memento?

    The color red is used to represent important memories and clues in the movie.
  16. Is Memento a confusing movie?

    Some viewers may find Memento confusing due to its nonlinear structure and unreliable narrator.
  17. What is the role of Natalie in Memento?

    Natalie is a character who manipulates Leonard for her own gain, but also helps him uncover the truth about his wife’s murder.
  18. What is the meaning of the quote “Remember Sammy Jankis” in Memento?

    The quote serves as a reminder for Leonard to not end up like Sammy, who was unable to form new memories.
  19. Is Memento a true story?

    No, Memento is a work of fiction.
  20. What is the role of Teddy in Memento?

    Teddy is a police officer who helps Leonard in his quest for revenge, but also manipulates him for his own gain.
  21. What is the significance of the Leonard’s car in Memento?

    The car serves as a symbol of Leonard’s journey and his constant need to move forward.
  22. Is Memento a mind-bending movie?

    Yes, Memento is known for its complex and thought-provoking plot.
  23. What is the role of Leonard’s wife in Memento?

    Leonard’s wife, Catherine, is the catalyst for his quest for revenge, but her true nature is revealed throughout the movie.
  24. What is the meaning of the quote “I don’t have to remember anything” in Memento?

    The quote reflects Leonard’s belief that he can create his own reality by manipulating his memories.
  25. Is Memento a commentary on memory and identity?

    Yes, Memento explores the themes of memory, identity, and perception of reality.
  26. What is the role of the motel room in Memento?

    The motel room serves as a safe haven for Leonard, where he can control his environment and his memories.
  27. Is Memento a must-watch movie?

    Many consider Memento to be a must-watch for its unique narrative structure and thought-provoking themes.


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