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by Vladimir Nabokov


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Summary in 1 sentence

Lolita is a controversial novel by Vladimir Nabokov about a middle-aged man's obsession and sexual relationship with a twelve-year-old girl.

Summary in a Twitter post

In Nabokov's controversial novel, "Lolita", middle-aged Humbert Humbert's obsession with a 12-year-old girl leads to a tragic journey across America. A dark exploration of manipulation, obsession, and moral boundaries. #Lolita #Nabokov #ClassicLiterature

Summary in an SMS/text message

Middle-aged man, Humbert, obsesses over 12-year-old Lolita. Manipulates her into a relationship after her mom's death. They travel, she escapes, he finds her years later. Dark exploration of obsession and manipulation.

Summary in a Facebook post

Just finished reading "Lolita" by Vladimir Nabokov. A deeply controversial yet brilliantly written novel that explores the mind of Humbert Humbert, a man obsessed with a 12-year-old girl. It's a disturbing exploration of manipulation, obsession, and moral boundaries. Definitely not for the faint-hearted. #BookReview #Lolita

Summary in a 1 minute read

Lolita is a controversial novel by Vladimir Nabokov that tells the story of a middle-aged man, Humbert Humbert, who becomes obsessed with a 12-year-old girl named Dolores Haze, whom he calls "Lolita." After marrying Dolores' mother, Humbert becomes her stepfather and begins a sexual relationship with her. The novel follows their travels across the United States as Humbert tries to keep their relationship a secret. However, Dolores eventually runs away and Humbert spends years searching for her. The novel is written from Humbert's perspective, and he justifies his actions by claiming that he is in love with Lolita. The book explores themes of obsession, manipulation, and the corrupting nature of desire. It is a disturbing and thought-provoking read that challenges the reader's perceptions of love, morality, and the human psyche.

Summary in 1 page

  • Humbert Humbert: The narrator and protagonist of the story, a middle-aged European man who becomes obsessed with a 12-year-old girl named Dolores Haze, whom he nicknames “Lolita.”
  • Dolores Haze (Lolita): A young girl who becomes the object of Humbert’s desire and manipulation. She is initially portrayed as a typical pre-teen, but as the story progresses, she becomes more rebellious and sexually aware.
  • Charlotte Haze: Dolores’s mother and Humbert’s landlady. She is a widow who falls in love with Humbert and eventually marries him, unaware of his true intentions.
  • Clare Quilty: A playwright and pedophile who becomes Humbert’s rival for Lolita’s affections. He is also the one who ultimately takes Lolita away from Humbert.
  • Annabel Leigh: Humbert’s first love and the inspiration for his obsession with young girls. She died at a young age, and Humbert sees Lolita as a reincarnation of her.

The story begins with Humbert recounting his childhood and his first love, Annabel. He then moves to America and becomes a professor, where he meets Charlotte Haze and becomes her tenant. Humbert is initially repulsed by Charlotte, but when he sees her 12-year-old daughter, Dolores, he becomes infatuated with her. He agrees to marry Charlotte in order to be closer to Dolores, whom he nicknames “Lolita.”

Humbert’s obsession with Lolita grows as he becomes her stepfather and they go on a road trip together. He manipulates her into a sexual relationship, and she becomes both his lover and his captive. However, their relationship is cut short when Charlotte discovers their secret and dies in a car accident.

Humbert takes Lolita on a cross-country journey, constantly moving from place to place to avoid suspicion. He becomes increasingly paranoid and possessive of Lolita, while she becomes more rebellious and distant. Humbert also becomes aware of a mysterious man named Clare Quilty, who seems to be following them.

Eventually, Humbert’s relationship with Lolita deteriorates, and she runs away with Quilty. Humbert spends the next few years searching for her, but it is not until years later that he receives a letter from Lolita, revealing that she has been married and pregnant. He meets with her and learns that Quilty had been sexually abusing her since she ran away.

Humbert becomes consumed with thoughts of revenge and tracks down Quilty, eventually killing him. He is arrested and dies in prison, but not before writing his memoir, which he addresses to “Lolita.”

The book is a controversial and disturbing exploration of the themes of obsession, manipulation, and pedophilia. Humbert’s unreliable narration and his attempts to justify his actions make it difficult for the reader to sympathize with him. Lolita, on the other hand, is portrayed as a victim of both Humbert and Quilty’s abuse.

Nabokov’s writing is often praised for its poetic and lyrical style, despite the disturbing subject matter. The book also contains many literary allusions and wordplay, adding to its complexity.

In conclusion, Lolita is a dark and thought-provoking novel that delves into the depths of human obsession and depravity. It is a challenging read that raises important questions about morality and the nature of love.


  1. What is the book Lolita about?

    The book is about a middle-aged man’s obsession with a 12-year-old girl.
  2. Who wrote Lolita?

    Lolita was written by Vladimir Nabokov.
  3. When was Lolita first published?

    Lolita was first published in 1955.
  4. Is Lolita based on a true story?

    No, Lolita is a work of fiction.
  5. What genre does Lolita fall under?

    Lolita is considered a literary fiction and a psychological thriller.
  6. What is the main character’s name in Lolita?

    The main character’s name is Humbert Humbert.
  7. Who is Lolita in the book?

    Lolita is the nickname given to the 12-year-old girl, Dolores Haze, by Humbert Humbert.
  8. What is the relationship between Humbert and Lolita?

    Humbert is Lolita’s stepfather and also becomes her lover.
  9. Why is the book titled Lolita?

    The book is titled Lolita because it is the nickname given to the young girl by Humbert Humbert.
  10. Is Lolita a controversial book?

    Yes, Lolita has been a subject of controversy due to its sensitive subject matter.
  11. What is the setting of Lolita?

    The book is set in the United States, primarily in the 1950s.
  12. What is the writing style of Lolita?

    Lolita is written in a lyrical and poetic style, with rich and descriptive language.
  13. Is Lolita a difficult book to read?

    Some readers may find Lolita challenging due to its complex themes and language.
  14. What is the significance of the butterfly in Lolita?

    The butterfly symbolizes the fleeting and fragile nature of beauty, as well as Humbert’s obsession with Lolita.
  15. What is the role of the unreliable narrator in Lolita?

    Humbert Humbert is an unreliable narrator, as he manipulates and distorts the truth to justify his actions.
  16. What is the controversy surrounding Lolita?

    The controversy surrounding Lolita stems from its portrayal of pedophilia and the sexualization of a young girl.
  17. Is Lolita a love story?

    Some readers may interpret Lolita as a love story, but it is ultimately a story of obsession and manipulation.
  18. What is the significance of the title “Lolita” in popular culture?

    The title “Lolita” has become a term used to describe a sexually precocious young girl.
  19. What is the theme of Lolita?

    The main themes of Lolita include obsession, manipulation, and the corrupting nature of desire.
  20. Is Lolita a banned book?

    Lolita has been banned in some countries and has faced censorship due to its controversial subject matter.
  21. What is the symbolism of the color red in Lolita?

    The color red symbolizes passion, danger, and the loss of innocence in Lolita.
  22. What is the significance of the name “Dolores Haze” in Lolita?

    The name “Dolores Haze” is a play on the word “dolorous,” meaning sorrowful, and “haze,” representing the blurred lines of reality and fantasy in the book.
  23. What is the role of the character Quilty in Lolita?

    Quilty serves as a foil to Humbert Humbert and represents the dark side of desire and obsession.
  24. What is the ending of Lolita?

    The ending of Lolita is left open to interpretation, with Humbert Humbert facing the consequences of his actions.
  25. Is Lolita a feminist book?

    Some readers may interpret Lolita as a feminist book, as it explores themes of power dynamics and the objectification of women.
  26. What is the legacy of Lolita?

    Lolita is considered a literary masterpiece and has had a significant impact on literature and popular culture.


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