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by Joel Coen


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Summary in 1 sentence

A desperate car salesman hires two criminals to kidnap his wife in order to extort a hefty ransom from his wealthy father-in-law, leading to a series of tragicomic events investigated by a pregnant Minnesota police chief.

Summary in a Twitter post

In the chillingly absurd world of #Fargo, a desperate car salesman hires two criminals to kidnap his wife for ransom. A pregnant police chief unravels the plot in this darkly comedic, Oscar-winning masterpiece by the Coen Brothers. #MovieReview

Summary in an SMS/text message

"Car salesman Jerry hires 2 criminals to kidnap his wife for ransom from her wealthy dad. Things go wrong, many die. Pregnant cop Marge solves case. Dark humor, snowy Minnesota setting."

Summary in a Facebook post

Just watched "Fargo" by Joel Coen - a brilliant blend of dark comedy and crime drama! Set in snowy Minnesota, the film follows a desperate car salesman who hires two criminals to kidnap his wife for ransom. Things spiral out of control, leading to a series of unfortunate events. Frances McDormand's performance as the pregnant police chief investigating the case is truly outstanding! #Fargo #CoenBrothers #DarkComedy #CrimeDrama ❄️

Summary in a 1 minute read

Fargo is a dark comedy crime film directed by Joel Coen. The story follows Jerry Lundegaard, a car salesman in Minnesota who hires two criminals to kidnap his wife in order to extort money from his wealthy father-in-law. However, things go awry when the criminals end up killing a state trooper and two innocent bystanders. Pregnant police chief Marge Gunderson is called in to investigate the murders and uncovers Jerry's involvement. As the investigation unfolds, the criminals turn on each other and Jerry's plan falls apart. In the end, Marge solves the case and brings the criminals to justice. The film is known for its quirky characters, dark humor, and brutal violence. It also explores themes of greed, desperation, and the consequences of one's actions. Fargo received critical acclaim and won several awards, including two Oscars for Best Actress and Best Original Screenplay.

Summary in 1 page

  • Jerry Lundegaard is a car salesman in Minneapolis who is in financial trouble. He comes up with a plan to have his wife kidnapped and ask for a ransom from her wealthy father, hoping to use the money to pay off his debts.
  • Carl Showalter and Gaear Grimsrud are two criminals hired by Jerry to carry out the kidnapping. They are both from Fargo, North Dakota.
  • Marge Gunderson is a pregnant police chief in Brainerd, Minnesota. She is called in to investigate a triple homicide at a roadside bar, where the victims are identified as Jerry’s wife and the two kidnappers.
  • As Marge starts to piece together the events leading up to the murders, she discovers that Jerry had hired the two men to kidnap his wife. She also learns that Jerry’s father-in-law had refused to pay the ransom, leading Jerry to plan the murders to cover up his involvement.
  • Meanwhile, Carl and Gaear have a falling out over the money from the ransom. Carl wants to split it evenly, but Gaear wants to keep it all for himself. This leads to a violent confrontation between the two, resulting in Carl’s death.
  • Marge continues her investigation and tracks down Jerry, who has fled to a cabin in the woods. She confronts him and he confesses to his involvement in the kidnapping and murders. Marge arrests him and takes him into custody.
  • As Marge is driving Jerry back to Brainerd, they come across a car accident where Gaear is trying to escape with the ransom money. Marge chases after him and eventually shoots him dead.
  • In the end, Jerry is arrested and charged with multiple counts of murder. Marge returns home to her husband and they discuss the events of the case. Marge reflects on the senselessness of the crimes and the strange people she has encountered during the investigation.

Overall, Fargo is a darkly comedic crime thriller that explores the consequences of greed and desperation. The characters are all flawed and make poor decisions, leading to a chain of events that ultimately ends in tragedy. The film is known for its quirky characters, dark humor, and unique setting in the cold, snowy landscapes of the Midwest.


  1. What is the movie Fargo about?
    The movie follows a car salesman who hires two criminals to kidnap his wife for ransom, but things go awry.
  2. Who directed Fargo?
    The movie was directed by Joel Coen.
  3. When was Fargo released?
    Fargo was released in 1996.
  4. Is Fargo based on a true story?
    No, the movie is not based on a true story, but it is inspired by real events.
  5. Who stars in Fargo?
    The movie stars Frances McDormand, William H. Macy, and Steve Buscemi.
  6. What genre is Fargo?
    Fargo is a dark comedy crime film.
  7. Where is Fargo set?
    The movie is set in Minnesota and North Dakota.
  8. Did Fargo win any awards?
    Yes, Fargo won two Academy Awards for Best Actress and Best Original Screenplay.
  9. What is the famous line from Fargo?
    The famous line from the movie is “Oh, you betcha!”
  10. Is Fargo a Coen Brothers film?
    Yes, Fargo was directed by Joel Coen and written by Joel and Ethan Coen.
  11. What is the significance of the woodchipper in Fargo?
    The woodchipper is used as a symbol of the violence and chaos that ensues in the movie.
  12. Is Fargo a violent movie?
    Yes, Fargo contains scenes of violence and gore.
  13. What is the rating for Fargo?
    Fargo is rated R for strong violence, language, and brief nudity.
  14. How long is Fargo?
    The movie has a runtime of 98 minutes.
  15. What is the budget for Fargo?
    The budget for Fargo was $7 million.
  16. What is the box office gross for Fargo?
    Fargo grossed over $60 million worldwide.
  17. Is Fargo available to stream?
    Yes, Fargo is available to stream on various platforms such as Amazon Prime and Hulu.
  18. What is the Rotten Tomatoes score for Fargo?
    Fargo has a 94% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes.
  19. Is there a TV series based on Fargo?
    Yes, there is a TV series based on the movie, also created by the Coen Brothers.
  20. What is the connection between the movie and the TV series Fargo?
    The TV series is set in the same universe as the movie, but features different characters and storylines.
  21. Is Fargo a black comedy?
    Yes, Fargo is considered a black comedy due to its dark humor and satirical elements.
  22. What is the significance of the title Fargo?
    The title refers to the city in North Dakota where the majority of the movie takes place.
  23. What is the theme of Fargo?
    The movie explores themes of greed, desperation, and the consequences of criminal actions.
  24. Is Fargo a slow-paced movie?
    No, Fargo has a fast-paced and suspenseful plot.
  25. What is the ending of Fargo?
    The movie ends with Marge, the pregnant police chief, solving the case and arresting the criminals.
  26. Is there a sequel to Fargo?
    No, there is no official sequel to Fargo, but there is a TV series and a spin-off movie titled “Fargo: Year Two.”


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