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by Roman Polanski


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Summary in 1 sentence

In the midst of a complex web of corruption and deceit, a private detective investigates a murder case linked to a water supply conspiracy in 1930s Los Angeles.

Summary in a Twitter post

In Polanski's noir classic, Chinatown, private eye Jake Gittes unravels a web of deceit, corruption, and murder in 1930s LA, all linked to the city's water supply. A chilling exploration of power and its abuse. #Chinatown #FilmNoir

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Private eye Jake Gittes uncovers corruption and scandal in 1930s LA water supply. Twists, murder, and shocking family secrets revealed. #Chinatown #FilmNoir

Summary in a Facebook post

Just watched Roman Polanski's masterpiece, "Chinatown". A gripping tale of corruption, deceit, and power set in 1930s LA. Jack Nicholson's portrayal of a private detective caught in a web of lies and secrets is absolutely brilliant. A classic noir film that keeps you on the edge of your seat till the end. #Chinatown #ClassicCinema ️‍♂️

Summary in a 1 minute read

Chinatown is a neo-noir mystery film directed by Roman Polanski. Set in 1930s Los Angeles, the story follows private detective J.J. "Jake" Gittes as he investigates a case involving a wealthy businessman, Hollis Mulwray, and his wife Evelyn. As Jake delves deeper into the case, he uncovers a web of corruption and deceit involving land and water rights in the city. He also becomes entangled with Evelyn, who has a dark past and secrets of her own. As the mystery unravels, Jake finds himself in danger and must navigate through a complex and dangerous world of power and greed. The film's shocking and tragic ending reveals the true nature of Chinatown and the corruption that runs deep within it. With stunning performances by Jack Nicholson and Faye Dunaway, Chinatown is a gripping and unforgettable tale of crime, betrayal, and the dark side of the American Dream.

Summary in 1 page

  • Jake Gittes is a private detective in Los Angeles in the 1930s. He is hired by a woman claiming to be Evelyn Mulwray to investigate her husband, Hollis Mulwray, who she suspects is having an affair.
  • After photographing Hollis with a young woman, Jake is confronted by a man claiming to be the real Evelyn Mulwray. He realizes he was set up and that the woman who hired him was an imposter.
  • He meets the real Evelyn, who reveals that she is actually Hollis’ daughter and that the woman he photographed was her sister, Katherine. She also tells him that Hollis was working on a secret water project that would benefit the city.
  • When Hollis is found dead, Jake is hired by Evelyn to investigate his death. He discovers that the water project is being opposed by a wealthy landowner, Noah Cross, who also happens to be Evelyn’s father.
  • As Jake delves deeper into the case, he uncovers a web of corruption and deceit involving the city’s water supply. He also learns that Hollis was murdered because he found out about the true intentions of the water project.
  • With the help of Evelyn, Jake discovers that the water project is a cover-up for a plan to divert water from the city’s reservoirs to irrigate land owned by Noah Cross. This would make Cross and his associates very wealthy.
  • As Jake and Evelyn grow closer, they are constantly followed and threatened by Cross’ henchmen. They also discover that Katherine is being held against her will by Cross, who is also her father.
  • Jake and Evelyn come up with a plan to expose Cross and his corrupt scheme. They meet with the district attorney, who agrees to press charges against Cross and his associates.
  • However, their plan is foiled when the district attorney is found dead and Evelyn is arrested for his murder. Jake realizes that Cross is behind everything and that he will do anything to protect his interests.
  • Jake confronts Cross at his mansion and learns the shocking truth that Cross is also the father of Evelyn’s daughter, making her both his daughter and granddaughter. He also reveals that he has been manipulating events to get control of the water supply and his daughter/granddaughter.
  • In a tense and violent showdown, Jake is able to rescue Katherine and kill Cross. However, Evelyn is fatally wounded by Cross’ henchmen.
  • In the end, Jake is left with the knowledge of the dark and twisted truth behind the water project and the corruption in the city. He also realizes that he was unable to save Evelyn and that the powerful will always get away with their crimes.


  1. What is the movie Chinatown about?

    The movie follows private detective J.J. “Jake” Gittes as he investigates a case involving corruption and murder in 1930s Los Angeles.
  2. Who directed Chinatown?

    The movie was directed by Roman Polanski.
  3. When was Chinatown released?

    Chinatown was released in 1974.
  4. Who stars in Chinatown?

    The movie stars Jack Nicholson, Faye Dunaway, and John Huston.
  5. Is Chinatown based on a true story?

    No, the movie is not based on a true story, but it is inspired by real events and historical figures.
  6. What is the significance of the title Chinatown?

    The title refers to the Chinatown district of Los Angeles, which plays a major role in the plot of the movie.
  7. What genre is Chinatown?

    Chinatown is a neo-noir mystery film.
  8. Did Chinatown win any awards?

    Yes, the movie won an Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay and was nominated for ten other Oscars.
  9. Is Chinatown considered a classic?

    Yes, Chinatown is widely considered a classic in the film noir genre.
  10. What is the running time of Chinatown?

    The movie has a running time of 130 minutes.
  11. Is Chinatown a sequel to another movie?

    No, Chinatown is not a sequel to any other movie.
  12. What is the R rating for Chinatown?

    The movie is rated R for violence, language, and sexual content.
  13. Is Chinatown available to stream?

    Yes, Chinatown is available to stream on various platforms such as Amazon Prime Video and Hulu.
  14. What is the significance of the line “Forget it, Jake. It’s Chinatown.”?

    The line reflects the idea that some things in life are beyond our control and cannot be changed, no matter how hard we try.
  15. What is the main theme of Chinatown?

    The main theme of the movie is the corruption and greed of those in power.
  16. What is the significance of the orange grove in Chinatown?

    The orange grove represents the struggle for control and power in the city of Los Angeles.
  17. What is the role of Evelyn Mulwray in Chinatown?

    Evelyn Mulwray is a key character in the movie, as she is the daughter of a wealthy and corrupt businessman and becomes involved in the mystery surrounding her father’s death.
  18. What is the role of Noah Cross in Chinatown?

    Noah Cross is the main antagonist of the movie, a wealthy and powerful man who will stop at nothing to maintain his control and wealth.
  19. What is the significance of the character of Jake Gittes in Chinatown?

    Jake Gittes serves as the audience’s guide through the corrupt and twisted world of Chinatown, and his character also represents the idea of the flawed hero.
  20. What is the role of the character of Hollis Mulwray in Chinatown?

    Hollis Mulwray is a prominent figure in the movie, as he is the chief engineer of the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power and becomes a victim of the corruption and greed in the city.
  21. What is the role of the character of Katherine Mulwray in Chinatown?

    Katherine Mulwray is the wife of Hollis Mulwray and becomes a key figure in the mystery surrounding her husband’s death.
  22. What is the significance of the ending of Chinatown?

    The ending of the movie is a shocking and tragic twist that leaves the audience questioning the true nature of justice and morality.
  23. Is Chinatown a historically accurate portrayal of 1930s Los Angeles?

    While the movie is not entirely historically accurate, it does capture the essence of the political and social climate of 1930s Los Angeles.
  24. What is the legacy of Chinatown?

    Chinatown is considered a groundbreaking and influential film in the neo-noir genre and has had a lasting impact on cinema.
  25. Is there a sequel to Chinatown?

    No, there is no official sequel to Chinatown, but there have been attempts to continue the story in other forms of media.
  26. What is the critical reception of Chinatown?

    Chinatown has received widespread critical acclaim and is often ranked as one of the greatest films of all time.


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