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Bicycle Thieves

by Vittorio De Sica


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Summary in 1 sentence

Bicycle Thieves is a film about a poor man searching for his stolen bicycle, which he needs for his job, in post-World War II Rome, highlighting the desperate economic conditions of Italy at the time.

Summary in a Twitter post

Just watched Vittorio De Sica's #BicycleThieves - a poignant exploration of post-WWII Italy through the desperate search of a father and son for their stolen bicycle. A heartbreaking narrative of poverty, dignity, and survival. #ClassicCinema

Summary in an SMS/text message

Post-WW2 Italy, poor man Antonio finds job hanging posters but his bike, crucial for job, gets stolen. He & son Bruno search Rome for it. Shows struggle of working class. Ends in despair. #BicycleThieves

Summary in a Facebook post

Just watched Vittorio De Sica's masterpiece, "Bicycle Thieves". A poignant tale of a father's desperate search for his stolen bicycle in post-WWII Rome, which he needs to keep his job. A powerful commentary on poverty, dignity, and the human spirit. A must-watch classic! #ItalianCinema #Neorealism

Summary in a 1 minute read

Bicycle Thieves, directed by Vittorio De Sica, is a neorealist film set in post-World War II Rome. The story follows Antonio, a struggling father who finally lands a job hanging posters around the city. However, the job requires a bicycle, which he had previously pawned. With the help of his wife, Maria, they scrape together enough money to retrieve the bike. On his first day of work, Antonio's bike is stolen, and he and his son Bruno embark on a desperate search through the city to find it. As they encounter various characters and obstacles, Antonio's desperation and frustration grow. Eventually, he resorts to stealing a bike himself, but is caught and humiliated. In the end, Antonio and Bruno return home, defeated and without a bike. The film highlights the struggles of the working class and the impact of poverty on family dynamics.

Summary in 1 page

  • Antonio Ricci is a struggling father and husband in post-World War II Rome. He finally gets a job putting up posters around the city, but it requires him to have a bicycle.
  • Antonio’s wife, Maria, sells their bedsheets to get enough money to retrieve Antonio’s pawned bicycle.
  • On his first day of work, Antonio’s bicycle is stolen, and he and his son, Bruno, search the city for it.
  • They eventually spot the thief, but he escapes into a crowd. Antonio and Bruno continue to search, but they are unsuccessful.
  • Desperate to find the bicycle, Antonio and Bruno go to a fortune teller, who tells them that the bicycle will be found at Piazza Vittorio.
  • They go to the piazza and see a man with a similar bicycle, but they are unable to prove that it is Antonio’s.
  • Antonio and Bruno then go to a nearby church, where they see the thief trying to sell the bicycle. Antonio confronts him, but the thief denies stealing it.
  • As they leave the church, Antonio sees the thief’s accomplice and chases after him. However, he is unable to catch him.
  • Feeling defeated, Antonio and Bruno return home. Maria suggests that they report the theft to the police, but Antonio is hesitant because he knows they will not be able to do much.
  • Antonio and Bruno continue to search for the bicycle on their own, going to different markets and even a football match, but they are unable to find it.
  • As a last resort, Antonio and Bruno go to a brothel, where they believe the thief may have sold the bicycle. However, they are unable to find it there either.
  • Feeling hopeless, Antonio and Bruno return home, but they are met with disappointment when Maria tells them that their baby has fallen ill.
  • Antonio decides to steal a bicycle himself, but he is caught and beaten by a group of men. Bruno witnesses this and is deeply affected.
  • Feeling guilty, Antonio takes Bruno to a restaurant, where they share a meal and try to forget their troubles for a moment.
  • On their way home, Antonio sees the thief riding his bicycle and chases after him. He is able to catch him and retrieve the bicycle, but he is caught by the police and taken to the station.
  • At the station, the thief is released because he claims that he bought the bicycle from someone else. Antonio is also released, but he is left without a bicycle once again.
  • Feeling defeated and desperate, Antonio and Bruno walk home in the rain. As they pass by a group of children playing, Antonio breaks down and cries, realizing the harsh reality of their situation.
  • The film ends with Antonio and Bruno walking away, with no resolution to their struggles in sight.

In summary, Bicycle Thieves is a poignant and heartbreaking tale of a man’s desperate search for his stolen bicycle in post-war Rome. Through the eyes of Antonio and his son Bruno, the film explores themes of poverty, desperation, and the harsh realities of life. Despite their efforts, Antonio and Bruno are unable to find the bicycle, and the film ends on a somber note, highlighting the struggles of the working class in a society that offers little help or hope.


  1. What is the movie Bicycle Thieves about?

    The movie follows a man and his son as they search for their stolen bicycle in post-World War II Rome.
  2. Who directed Bicycle Thieves?

    Bicycle Thieves was directed by Vittorio De Sica.
  3. When was Bicycle Thieves released?

    The movie was released in 1948.
  4. Is Bicycle Thieves based on a true story?

    No, the movie is based on a novel by Luigi Bartolini.
  5. What language is Bicycle Thieves in?

    The movie is in Italian.
  6. What is the significance of the bicycle in the movie?

    The bicycle represents the main character’s livelihood and hope for a better future.
  7. Who plays the main character in Bicycle Thieves?

    Lamberto Maggiorani plays the main character, Antonio Ricci.
  8. What is the relationship between Antonio and his son Bruno?

    They are father and son.
  9. What is the setting of Bicycle Thieves?

    The movie is set in post-World War II Rome.
  10. Is Bicycle Thieves a drama or a comedy?

    The movie is considered a drama.
  11. What is the running time of Bicycle Thieves?

    The movie is 89 minutes long.
  12. Did Bicycle Thieves win any awards?

    Yes, it won an Academy Honorary Award in 1950.
  13. What is the message of Bicycle Thieves?

    The movie highlights the struggles of the working class and the importance of family and community.
  14. What is the significance of the title Bicycle Thieves?

    The title refers to the main character’s desperate search for his stolen bicycle.
  15. Is Bicycle Thieves a silent film?

    No, the movie has dialogue and sound.
  16. What is the genre of Bicycle Thieves?

    The movie is considered a neorealist film.
  17. What is neorealism?

    Neorealism is a film movement that emerged in post-World War II Italy, focusing on realistic portrayals of everyday life and social issues.
  18. What is the significance of the ending of Bicycle Thieves?

    The ending is open to interpretation, but it highlights the harsh realities of poverty and the sacrifices parents make for their children.
  19. What is the role of the police in Bicycle Thieves?

    The police are portrayed as unhelpful and indifferent to the struggles of the working class.
  20. What is the role of the bicycle in post-war Italy?

    The bicycle was a common mode of transportation for the working class in post-war Italy due to its affordability.
  21. What is the significance of the locations in Bicycle Thieves?

    The movie was filmed on location in Rome, adding to its realistic portrayal of post-war Italy.
  22. What is the impact of Bicycle Thieves on cinema?

    The movie is considered a classic of neorealism and has influenced many filmmakers.
  23. Is Bicycle Thieves a sad movie?

    The movie has elements of sadness, but it also offers moments of hope and humanity.
  24. What is the role of the bicycle thief in the movie?

    The bicycle thief is a symbol of the harsh realities and desperation of post-war Italy.
  25. What is the significance of the relationship between Antonio and his wife Maria?

    Their relationship reflects the struggles and sacrifices of a working-class family.
  26. What is the legacy of Bicycle Thieves?

    The movie is considered a masterpiece of neorealism and is still praised for its powerful storytelling and social commentary.


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