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Before Sunset

by Richard Linklater


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Summary in 1 sentence

Nine years after their first meeting, Jesse and Celine reunite in Paris, spending an afternoon together and rekindling their connection before Jesse's scheduled flight back home.

Summary in a Twitter post

Nine years after a chance encounter in Vienna, Jesse and Celine reunite in Paris, exploring love, life, and the passage of time in Linklater's poignant sequel, Before Sunset. #BeforeSunset #Romance #TimelessLove

Summary in an SMS/text message

9 yrs after their 1st meeting, Jesse & Celine reunite in Paris. They spend the day talking about life, love & missed opportunities. Ends with Jesse missing his flight back home. #BeforeSunset #LinklaterMagic

Summary in a Facebook post

Just watched Richard Linklater's "Before Sunset" - a beautiful, dialogue-driven film that unfolds in real-time. It's a sequel to "Before Sunrise" and reunites us with Jesse and Celine nine years later in Paris. Their chemistry is still palpable and their conversations, as they wander through the city, are thought-provoking and heartfelt. A poignant exploration of love, time, and what-ifs. ️ #BeforeSunset #LinklaterMagic

Summary in a 1 minute read

Before Sunset is a romantic drama directed by Richard Linklater. The film follows the story of Jesse and Celine, who met nine years ago on a train in Vienna and spent a magical night together. In the present day, Jesse is on a book tour in Paris and by chance, runs into Celine at a bookstore. They decide to spend the afternoon together, catching up on their lives and reminiscing about their past encounter. As they walk through the streets of Paris, they realize that they still have strong feelings for each other. However, they also face the reality of their different lives and responsibilities. As their time together comes to an end, they must decide whether to take a chance on love or let each other go. Before Sunset is a poignant and thought-provoking exploration of love, regret, and the passage of time.

Summary in 1 page

  • Jesse and Celine meet again after nine years in Paris, where they first met and fell in love.
  • Jesse is now a successful author, while Celine is an environmental activist.
  • They had promised to meet again after their one night together, but never did.
  • They spend the day walking around Paris, catching up on each other’s lives and reminiscing about their past encounter.
  • As they talk, it becomes clear that they still have strong feelings for each other.
  • Jesse reveals that he wrote a book about their night together, which became a bestseller.
  • Celine is initially upset that he wrote about their personal experience, but later admits that she read and loved the book.
  • They discuss their different perspectives on their night together and how it has influenced their lives.
  • Jesse is now married with a child, but admits that he often thinks about Celine and what could have been.
  • Celine is in a relationship, but it is clear that she still has feelings for Jesse.
  • They visit a bookstore where Jesse is scheduled to give a reading from his book.
  • During the reading, Jesse reads a passage that is clearly about Celine, causing her to become emotional.
  • After the reading, they continue to walk and talk, discussing their regrets and what they have learned in the past nine years.
  • Celine reveals that she almost went to Vienna to meet Jesse six months after their first encounter, but he never showed up.
  • Jesse explains that he did go to Vienna, but was unable to find her.
  • They both express their desire to have met again sooner and how they have been searching for each other in other people.
  • Celine takes Jesse to a park where they sit and watch a couple arguing, causing them to reflect on their own relationship.
  • They continue to talk and walk, eventually ending up at Celine’s apartment.
  • As they say goodbye, they both express their love for each other and Jesse asks Celine to come with him to the airport.
  • Celine initially declines, but then changes her mind and runs after Jesse.
  • They share a passionate kiss as the screen fades to black.

Overall, Before Sunset is a romantic drama that explores the complexities of love, regret, and missed opportunities. Through the conversations and interactions between Jesse and Celine, the audience is taken on a journey of self-discovery and reflection. The chemistry between the two characters is palpable, and their dialogue is both witty and poignant. The film leaves the audience wondering what will happen next for Jesse and Celine, and whether they will finally get their chance at a happy ending.


  1. What is the movie Before Sunset about?

    The movie follows the reunion of two former lovers, Jesse and Celine, nine years after their initial encounter in Vienna.
  2. Who directed Before Sunset?

    The movie was directed by Richard Linklater.
  3. Is Before Sunset a sequel?

    Yes, it is a sequel to the 1995 film Before Sunrise.
  4. Who stars in Before Sunset?

    Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy reprise their roles as Jesse and Celine.
  5. Where does Before Sunset take place?

    The majority of the movie takes place in Paris, France.
  6. What is the running time of Before Sunset?

    The movie has a running time of 80 minutes.
  7. When was Before Sunset released?

    The movie was released in 2004.
  8. Is Before Sunset based on a book?

    No, it is an original screenplay written by Richard Linklater, Ethan Hawke, and Julie Delpy.
  9. What is the genre of Before Sunset?

    It is a romantic drama film.
  10. Can Before Sunset be watched as a standalone movie?

    Yes, it can be enjoyed without having seen Before Sunrise.
  11. Is Before Sunset a happy or sad movie?

    It can be interpreted as both, as it explores the complexities of love and relationships.
  12. Does Before Sunset have a happy ending?

    The ending is open to interpretation, but it can be seen as bittersweet.
  13. Is Before Sunset a dialogue-heavy movie?

    Yes, the movie is known for its long, philosophical conversations between the two main characters.
  14. What is the significance of the title Before Sunset?

    The title refers to the limited time Jesse and Celine have to reconnect before the sun sets on their reunion.
  15. Does Before Sunset have any notable soundtrack?

    Yes, the movie features songs by Nina Simone, Julie Delpy, and others.
  16. Is Before Sunset a critically acclaimed movie?

    Yes, it has received widespread praise from critics and audiences alike.
  17. Did Before Sunset win any awards?

    Yes, it won the Silver Bear for Best Director at the Berlin International Film Festival.
  18. Is Before Sunset a popular movie?

    It has a dedicated fan base and is considered a cult classic.
  19. What is the age rating for Before Sunset?

    The movie is rated R for language and sexual references.
  20. Is Before Sunset available to stream?

    Yes, it can be streamed on various platforms such as Amazon Prime and Hulu.
  21. Does Before Sunset have any sequels?

    Yes, it is followed by the 2013 film Before Midnight.
  22. Is Before Sunset a standalone movie or part of a trilogy?

    It is part of a trilogy, known as the “Before” trilogy, which also includes Before Sunrise and Before Midnight.
  23. Is Before Sunset a romantic movie?

    Yes, it is a romantic movie that explores the complexities of love and relationships.
  24. Can Before Sunset be considered a travel movie?

    Yes, as the characters spend most of the movie walking and talking through the streets of Paris.
  25. Is Before Sunset a thought-provoking movie?

    Yes, it raises questions about love, relationships, and the passage of time.
  26. Is Before Sunset a must-watch movie?

    It is highly recommended for fans of romantic dramas and thought-provoking films.


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