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A Wrinkle in Time (Time Quintet, #1)

by Madeleine L'Engle


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Summary in 1 sentence

A Wrinkle in Time is a science fantasy novel about a young girl named Meg Murry, who, along with her younger brother Charles Wallace and friend Calvin O'Keefe, embarks on a dangerous journey through space and time, aided by three mysterious beings, to rescue her father from the evil forces that hold him prisoner on another planet.

Summary in a Twitter post

A thrilling cosmic adventure! Meg, Charles, and Calvin journey across dimensions to save their father from an evil entity. A tale of love, courage, and the power of individuality. #AWrinkleInTime #MadeleineLEngle #SciFiClassic ️

Summary in an SMS/text message

Teen girl Meg, her genius bro Charles, and friend Calvin go on a cosmic adventure to save her missing dad from an evil entity. They're aided by 3 celestial beings. Lots of time travel, love conquers all!

Summary in a Facebook post

Just finished reading "A Wrinkle in Time" by Madeleine L'Engle! A thrilling journey across space and time with Meg Murry, her genius little brother Charles Wallace, and their friend Calvin O'Keefe. They're on a quest to rescue Meg's dad, a scientist trapped on a distant planet by an evil force. The power of love, the importance of individuality, and the battle of light against darkness - this book has it all! Highly recommended! #BookLovers #AWrinkleInTime #SciFiAdventure

Summary in a 1 minute read

A Wrinkle in Time follows the story of Meg Murry, a young girl who embarks on a journey through time and space to rescue her scientist father who has been missing for years. Along with her brother Charles Wallace and friend Calvin, Meg travels to different planets and encounters strange beings as they search for her father. They are aided by three mysterious beings known as Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who, and Mrs. Which, who possess supernatural powers. Meg must also confront her own insecurities and fears as she battles against the evil force known as the Black Thing, which is spreading darkness throughout the universe. With the help of her friends and the power of love, Meg is able to save her father and defeat the darkness, learning important lessons about courage, individuality, and the power of good over evil.

Summary in 1 page

  • Meg Murry: A 13-year-old girl who is struggling with her self-confidence and fitting in at school. She is the daughter of two scientists, Mr. and Mrs. Murry.
  • Charles Wallace Murry: Meg’s 5-year-old brother who is highly intelligent and has a special connection with their mother.
  • Calvin O’Keefe: A popular boy at Meg’s school who becomes her friend and joins her on her journey.
  • Mr. Murry: A scientist who has been missing for over a year after working on a top-secret government project.
  • Mrs. Murry: A scientist and mother who is worried about her husband’s disappearance and her children’s struggles.
  • The Mrs. Ws: Three mysterious beings who help Meg, Charles Wallace, and Calvin on their journey.
  • IT: A powerful and evil force that controls the planet Camazotz.

A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle is a science fiction novel about a young girl named Meg Murry who embarks on a journey through time and space to save her father and the universe from an evil force.

The story begins with Meg, her brother Charles Wallace, and their friend Calvin O’Keefe meeting three mysterious beings known as the Mrs. Ws. The Mrs. Ws reveal that Meg’s father, a scientist, has been missing for over a year after working on a top-secret government project. They explain that he is being held captive on the planet Camazotz by a powerful and evil force known as IT.

The Mrs. Ws offer to help Meg, Charles Wallace, and Calvin rescue Mr. Murry. They use a tesseract, a form of time travel, to transport the children to Camazotz. When they arrive, they find a planet controlled by IT, where everyone is forced to conform and think the same way. Meg, Charles Wallace, and Calvin must use their individual strengths and the power of love to resist IT’s control and find Mr. Murry.

As they journey through Camazotz, they encounter various challenges and obstacles, including a man with red eyes who tries to hypnotize them. They also meet a boy named Charles Wallace who has been taken over by IT’s control. Meg must use her love for her brother to break through IT’s hold on him.

The group eventually reaches IT’s headquarters, where they find Mr. Murry and are reunited with him. However, they soon realize that they cannot defeat IT with their physical strength alone. Meg must use her love and compassion to reach out to IT and convince it to let them go.

In the end, Meg and her family are able to escape Camazotz and return home safely. Mr. Murry is able to share his knowledge of the tesseract with the world, and the universe is saved from IT’s control. Meg learns to embrace her individuality and finds confidence in herself, while also understanding the power of love and the importance of being true to oneself.

A Wrinkle in Time is a timeless classic that explores themes of individuality, love, and the battle between good and evil. Through the journey of Meg, readers are reminded of the importance of staying true to oneself and the power of love and compassion in overcoming darkness. L’Engle’s vivid storytelling and imaginative world-building make this a must-read for readers of all ages.


  1. What is the genre of A Wrinkle in Time?
    A Wrinkle in Time is a science fiction and fantasy novel.
  2. Who is the author of A Wrinkle in Time?
    The author of A Wrinkle in Time is Madeleine L’Engle.
  3. When was A Wrinkle in Time first published?
    A Wrinkle in Time was first published in 1962.
  4. What is the main plot of A Wrinkle in Time?
    The main plot of A Wrinkle in Time follows the journey of three children as they travel through space and time to rescue their father from an evil force.
  5. Who are the main characters in A Wrinkle in Time?
    The main characters in A Wrinkle in Time are Meg Murry, Charles Wallace Murry, and Calvin O’Keefe.
  6. What is the significance of the title A Wrinkle in Time?
    The title refers to the concept of traveling through time and space by creating a “wrinkle” in the fabric of the universe.
  7. Is A Wrinkle in Time part of a series?
    Yes, A Wrinkle in Time is the first book in the Time Quintet series.
  8. What is the target audience for A Wrinkle in Time?
    A Wrinkle in Time is typically classified as a middle grade novel, but it can be enjoyed by readers of all ages.
  9. Is A Wrinkle in Time a banned book?
    Yes, A Wrinkle in Time has been banned in some schools and libraries due to its themes of witchcraft and New Age ideas.
  10. What awards has A Wrinkle in Time won?
    A Wrinkle in Time has won several awards, including the Newbery Medal and the Lewis Carroll Shelf Award.
  11. What inspired Madeleine L’Engle to write A Wrinkle in Time?
    Madeleine L’Engle was inspired by her own struggles with religion and science, as well as her love for her children.
  12. Is A Wrinkle in Time a difficult read?
    A Wrinkle in Time can be challenging for some readers due to its complex themes and scientific concepts.
  13. What is the main theme of A Wrinkle in Time?
    The main theme of A Wrinkle in Time is the battle between good and evil.
  14. What is the significance of the three Mrs. W’s in A Wrinkle in Time?
    The three Mrs. W’s represent different aspects of femininity and serve as guides for the children on their journey.
  15. What is the “tesseract” in A Wrinkle in Time?
    The “tesseract” is a concept of traveling through the fifth dimension, which is used by the characters to travel through space and time.
  16. Is A Wrinkle in Time a religious book?
    A Wrinkle in Time contains religious themes, but it is not considered a religious book.
  17. What is the significance of the character IT in A Wrinkle in Time?
    IT represents the embodiment of evil and the struggle against conformity and control.
  18. What is the message of A Wrinkle in Time?
    The message of A Wrinkle in Time is that love and individuality are powerful forces that can conquer evil.
  19. Is A Wrinkle in Time a movie?
    Yes, A Wrinkle in Time has been adapted into a movie multiple times, most recently in 2018.
  20. What is the reading level of A Wrinkle in Time?
    A Wrinkle in Time is typically recommended for readers aged 10 and up.
  21. What is the page count of A Wrinkle in Time?
    The page count of A Wrinkle in Time varies depending on the edition, but it is typically around 200 pages.
  22. What is the setting of A Wrinkle in Time?
    A Wrinkle in Time is set in both the present day and various other planets and dimensions.
  23. Is A Wrinkle in Time a classic?
    Yes, A Wrinkle in Time is considered a classic in the science fiction and fantasy genre.
  24. What is the significance of the character Aunt Beast in A Wrinkle in Time?
    Aunt Beast represents the concept of unconditional love and acceptance.
  25. What is the climax of A Wrinkle in Time?
    The climax of A Wrinkle in Time is when Meg must face IT and use her love for her brother to save him.
  26. What is the resolution of A Wrinkle in Time?
    The resolution of A Wrinkle in Time is when the children are reunited with their father and return home safely.


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