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The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (Chronicles of Narnia, #1)

by C.S. Lewis


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Summary in 1 sentence

Four children stumble through a wardrobe into the magical world of Narnia, where they must battle an evil witch with the help of a majestic lion to restore peace.

Summary in a Twitter post

Four siblings stumble upon a magical wardrobe leading to Narnia, a land frozen in eternal winter by a wicked witch. With the help of a majestic lion, they embark on an epic adventure to bring back warmth and freedom. #Narnia #CSLewis #FantasyAdventure ❄️

Summary in an SMS/text message

4 kids enter magical wardrobe, land in Narnia. Befriend talking lion Aslan, battle evil White Witch who's caused eternal winter. Kids become kings and queens after victory. Return home, no time passed. #NarniaAdventure

Summary in a Facebook post

Just finished reading "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" by C.S. Lewis. A magical journey of four siblings through a wardrobe into the mystical land of Narnia, where they help Aslan the lion defeat the evil White Witch and restore peace. A tale of bravery, friendship, and the triumph of good over evil. Can't wait to explore the rest of the Chronicles of Narnia series! #Narnia #CSLewis #BookLover

Summary in a 1 minute read

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is the first book in the Chronicles of Narnia series by C.S. Lewis. It follows the adventures of four siblings - Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy - who are sent to live in the countryside during World War II. While exploring their new home, they discover a magical wardrobe that leads them to the land of Narnia, which is under the rule of the evil White Witch. With the help of the wise and powerful lion, Aslan, the children must defeat the Witch and restore peace to Narnia. Along the way, they encounter talking animals, mythical creatures, and face challenges that test their courage and loyalty. Through their journey, the children learn important lessons about bravery, forgiveness, and the power of good over evil. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is a timeless tale of adventure, magic, and the triumph of good over evil.

Summary in 1 page

  • Lucy, Edmund, Susan, and Peter Pevensie are four siblings who are sent to live in the countryside during World War II.
  • While exploring their new home, Lucy discovers a magical wardrobe that leads to the land of Narnia.
  • She meets a faun named Mr. Tumnus who tells her about the White Witch who has cursed Narnia with eternal winter.
  • Lucy returns to the real world and tells her siblings about Narnia, but they don’t believe her.
  • One day, while playing hide and seek, all four children enter the wardrobe and find themselves in Narnia.
  • They meet a talking beaver who tells them about Aslan, the rightful ruler of Narnia who is currently in hiding.
  • The children learn that they are the chosen ones who will help defeat the White Witch and restore peace to Narnia.
  • The White Witch, also known as Jadis, is a powerful sorceress who has ruled Narnia for 100 years and has made it always winter but never Christmas.
  • She is afraid of a prophecy that says four humans will come to Narnia and overthrow her reign.
  • Aslan is a wise and powerful lion who is the true king of Narnia.
  • He has been away for a long time but has returned to help the children defeat the White Witch.
  • Aslan sacrifices himself to save Edmund, who has betrayed his siblings and joined forces with the White Witch.
  • The White Witch is defeated and Narnia is restored to its former glory.
  • The children are crowned as kings and queens of Narnia and rule for many years.
  • Aslan returns to his own world, promising to come back whenever he is needed.
  • The children return to the real world and find that no time has passed since they left.
  • They are reunited with their parents and share their adventures in Narnia, but no one believes them except for Professor Kirke, the owner of the house they were staying in.
  • The children continue to visit Narnia and have many more adventures in the magical land.


  1. What is the title of the book?
    The title of the book is The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.
  2. Who is the author of the book?
    The author of the book is C.S. Lewis.
  3. What is the genre of the book?
    The genre of the book is fantasy.
  4. What is the setting of the book?
    The setting of the book is in the fictional land of Narnia.
  5. Who are the main characters in the book?
    The main characters in the book are Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy Pevensie.
  6. What is the plot of the book?
    The plot of the book follows the four Pevensie siblings as they discover a magical wardrobe that leads them to the land of Narnia, where they must help the rightful ruler, Aslan the lion, defeat the evil White Witch.
  7. Is this book part of a series?
    Yes, this book is the first in the Chronicles of Narnia series.
  8. What is the age range for this book?
    The recommended age range for this book is 8-12 years old.
  9. Is this book appropriate for all ages?
    Yes, this book is appropriate for all ages.
  10. What are some themes explored in the book?
    Some themes explored in the book include good vs. evil, sacrifice, and redemption.
  11. What is the significance of the wardrobe in the book?
    The wardrobe serves as a portal to the magical land of Narnia.
  12. Who is the White Witch in the book?
    The White Witch is the main antagonist in the book, who has cursed Narnia with eternal winter.
  13. Who is Aslan in the book?
    Aslan is the rightful ruler of Narnia and a powerful lion who helps the Pevensie siblings defeat the White Witch.
  14. What is the role of the Pevensie siblings in the book?
    The Pevensie siblings are the main protagonists in the book, who are tasked with helping Aslan defeat the White Witch and restore peace to Narnia.
  15. What is the significance of the title “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe”?
    The title represents the three main elements of the story – the lion (Aslan), the witch (White Witch), and the wardrobe (portal to Narnia).
  16. Is there a movie adaptation of this book?
    Yes, there is a movie adaptation of this book released in 2005.
  17. What is the moral of the story?
    The moral of the story is that good will always triumph over evil.
  18. What is the Christian symbolism in the book?
    The book contains Christian symbolism, such as Aslan representing Jesus and his sacrifice for the salvation of others.
  19. What is the significance of the lamppost in the book?
    The lamppost serves as a symbol of hope and guidance for the characters in Narnia.
  20. What is the role of Mr. Tumnus in the book?
    Mr. Tumnus is a faun who befriends Lucy and helps her on her journey in Narnia.
  21. What is the role of the Beavers in the book?
    The Beavers are a family of talking beavers who help the Pevensie siblings on their quest to defeat the White Witch.
  22. What is the significance of the Stone Table in the book?
    The Stone Table is where Aslan is sacrificed by the White Witch, but ultimately rises again, symbolizing the resurrection of Jesus.
  23. What is the role of the Professor in the book?
    The Professor is the owner of the house where the Pevensie children are staying and is the only adult who believes their story about Narnia.
  24. What is the role of the wardrobe in the book?
    The wardrobe is a magical object that serves as a portal to the land of Narnia.
  25. What is the significance of the four thrones in the book?
    The four thrones represent the Pevensie siblings’ rightful place as the rulers of Narnia.
  26. What is the role of the White Stag in the book?
    The White Stag is a magical creature that is said to grant wishes to those who catch it, symbolizing the fulfillment of the Pevensie siblings’ destiny in Narnia.
  27. What is the message of the book?
    The message of the book is that courage, loyalty, and sacrifice can overcome even the greatest of evils.


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