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The Great Dictator

by Charles Chaplin


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The Great Dictator is a satirical political comedy where Charlie Chaplin plays both a tyrannical dictator and a persecuted Jewish barber who are mistaken for each other, highlighting the horrors of fascism and anti-Semitism.

Summary in a Twitter post

In Chaplin's satirical masterpiece, "The Great Dictator", he plays both a Jewish barber and a tyrannical dictator, highlighting the absurdity of fascism. A timeless commentary on power, oppression, and humanity's resilience. #ClassicCinema #Chaplin

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Chaplin plays dual roles: a Jewish barber mistaken for dictator Hynkel. Satirical take on fascism, highlighting the absurdity of dictatorship. Ends with powerful speech promoting unity and peace.

Summary in a Facebook post

Just watched "The Great Dictator" by Charles Chaplin - a brilliant satire on fascism where Chaplin plays both a Jewish barber and a tyrannical dictator. A timeless masterpiece that uses humor to critique the horrors of war and oppression. Chaplin's final speech is a powerful call for peace, humanity, and unity. A must-watch! ️ #ClassicCinema #ChaplinMagic

Summary in a 1 minute read

The Great Dictator is a satirical comedy-drama film directed by and starring Charles Chaplin. It tells the story of a Jewish barber who is mistaken for a dictator named Adenoid Hynkel, a parody of Adolf Hitler. The barber is sent to a concentration camp, while Hynkel plans to invade a neighboring country. The barber escapes and returns to his shop, where he is reunited with his love, Hannah. Meanwhile, Hynkel's regime is facing opposition from a brave Jewish woman named Hannah, who is determined to fight for her people's rights. In a climactic speech, the barber, disguised as Hynkel, delivers a powerful message of peace and unity, urging people to reject hate and embrace love. The film ends with the barber and Hannah leading a group of people in singing "The Internationale," a symbol of hope for a better future. The Great Dictator is a poignant and timeless commentary on the dangers of fascism and the power of compassion and humanity.

Summary in 1 page

  • Adenoid Hynkel: The Great Dictator is a satirical comedy film written, directed, and starring Charlie Chaplin. It is set in the fictional country of Tomainia, where Adenoid Hynkel, a ruthless dictator, rules with an iron fist.
  • Hynkel’s Barber: The story follows the journey of a Jewish barber who bears a striking resemblance to Hynkel. The barber, who has been suffering from amnesia since World War I, returns to Tomainia after spending 20 years in a hospital.
  • Hannah: The barber is greeted by his old friend Hannah, who informs him of the current state of the country. The Jews are being persecuted and sent to concentration camps, and Hynkel is planning to invade the neighboring country of Osterlich.
  • Garbitsch: Hynkel’s right-hand man, Garbitsch, is a ruthless and power-hungry minister who is constantly trying to manipulate Hynkel for his own gain.
  • Paulette: The barber falls in love with Hannah’s daughter, Paulette, who works in a local café. However, their relationship is complicated by the political situation and the barber’s resemblance to Hynkel.
  • Mr. Jaeckel: The barber’s neighbor, Mr. Jaeckel, is a loyal supporter of Hynkel and constantly praises him, much to the barber’s annoyance.

The film begins with Hynkel giving a speech to his followers, filled with nonsensical words and gestures. Meanwhile, the barber is mistaken for Hynkel and is taken to the palace, where he witnesses Hynkel’s plans for world domination. The barber manages to escape and returns to his barbershop, where he discovers a hidden radio that broadcasts Hynkel’s speeches.

The barber decides to use this opportunity to make a speech of his own, denouncing Hynkel’s actions and promoting peace and unity. The speech becomes a sensation and inspires the people of Tomainia to rise up against Hynkel’s regime.

Hynkel, furious at the barber’s speech, orders Garbitsch to find and eliminate him. However, Garbitsch mistakenly captures the real Hynkel, who has disguised himself as the barber to avoid being assassinated. The barber, now mistaken for Hynkel, is taken to the palace and is forced to give a speech to the nation.

In his speech, the barber reveals his true identity and urges the people to overthrow Hynkel and his regime. The people, inspired by the barber’s words, rise up and a revolution ensues. Hynkel, realizing the gravity of the situation, flees the country with Garbitsch.

The barber and his friends take over the palace and declare the end of dictatorship in Tomainia. The film ends with the barber’s final speech, in which he calls for unity and peace among all nations.

The Great Dictator is a powerful satire that criticizes the rise of fascism and dictatorship in Europe during the 1930s. It also highlights the persecution of Jews during the Holocaust and promotes the values of democracy and equality.

Chaplin’s performance as both the barber and Hynkel is remarkable, showcasing his comedic genius and his ability to convey powerful messages through his films. The film’s final speech, delivered by the barber, is considered one of the greatest speeches in cinematic history and is still relevant in today’s world.

In conclusion, The Great Dictator is a timeless classic that uses humor to address serious issues and promote important values. It is a must-watch for anyone who appreciates Chaplin’s work and wants to understand the impact of dictatorship and fascism on society.


  1. What is the movie The Great Dictator about?

    The movie is a political satire that follows the story of a Jewish barber who is mistaken for a dictator during World War II.
  2. Who directed and starred in The Great Dictator?

    The movie was directed by and starred the iconic comedian, Charles Chaplin.
  3. When was The Great Dictator released?

    The movie was released in 1940.
  4. Is The Great Dictator a silent film?

    No, it is a talkie, meaning it has sound and dialogue.
  5. What inspired Charles Chaplin to make The Great Dictator?

    Chaplin was inspired by the rise of Adolf Hitler and the events leading up to World War II.
  6. Did The Great Dictator receive any awards or nominations?

    Yes, it was nominated for five Academy Awards, including Best Picture.
  7. What is the famous speech given by Chaplin’s character in the movie?

    The speech is known as the “final speech” and it is a powerful message of hope and peace.
  8. Is The Great Dictator historically accurate?

    No, it is a fictional story with elements of satire and comedy.
  9. What is the significance of the movie’s title?

    The title refers to the character of the dictator, who is a parody of Hitler.
  10. Did The Great Dictator receive any backlash or controversy?

    Yes, it was banned in several countries and faced criticism for its portrayal of Hitler.
  11. What is the running time of The Great Dictator?

    The movie has a running time of 125 minutes.
  12. Is The Great Dictator available in color?

    No, it was originally filmed in black and white.
  13. What is the rating for The Great Dictator?

    The movie is rated PG for mild language and violence.
  14. Does The Great Dictator have any musical numbers?

    Yes, there is a musical number called “The Nonsense Song” performed by Chaplin’s character.
  15. What is the significance of the globe scene in the movie?

    The globe scene is a powerful symbol of unity and peace, as Chaplin’s character dances with a globe representing the world.
  16. Is The Great Dictator available to watch online?

    Yes, it can be streamed on various platforms such as Amazon Prime and YouTube.
  17. What is the message of The Great Dictator?

    The movie’s message is a call for humanity and the rejection of hate and violence.
  18. Are there any other notable actors in The Great Dictator?

    Yes, Jack Oakie plays the role of Benzino Napaloni, a parody of Benito Mussolini.
  19. What is the significance of the character of the Jewish barber?

    The barber symbolizes the common man and serves as a contrast to the dictator’s power and tyranny.
  20. Is The Great Dictator considered a classic movie?

    Yes, it is often regarded as one of Chaplin’s greatest works and a classic in the history of cinema.
  21. What is the budget for The Great Dictator?

    The movie had a budget of $2 million.
  22. Did Chaplin face any challenges while making The Great Dictator?

    Yes, he faced pressure and criticism from the US government and the public for making a movie that mocked Hitler.
  23. What is the legacy of The Great Dictator?

    The movie is remembered for its powerful message, iconic scenes, and Chaplin’s brilliant performance.
  24. Is The Great Dictator based on a true story?

    No, it is a fictional story with elements of satire and comedy.
  25. What is the current rating for The Great Dictator on Rotten Tomatoes?

    The movie has a 93% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.
  26. Is The Great Dictator available on DVD or Blu-ray?

    Yes, it is available for purchase on both DVD and Blu-ray.


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