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Schindler’s List

by Steven Spielberg


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Summary in 1 sentence

Schindler's List is a film about a German businessman who saves the lives of more than a thousand Polish Jews during the Holocaust by employing them in his factories.

Summary in a Twitter post

In Spielberg's powerful, heart-wrenching film, Schindler's List, a German businessman turns from war profiteer to unexpected hero, saving 1,100 Jews from the Holocaust. A haunting testament to the horrors of war and the power of humanity. #SchindlersList #HolocaustRemembrance

Summary in an SMS/text message

WW2 era movie. Oskar Schindler, a German businessman, saves over 1k Jews from Holocaust by employing them in his factories. A heart-wrenching tale of humanity amidst horror.

Summary in a Facebook post

Just watched Spielberg's masterpiece, Schindler's List. A heart-wrenching yet inspiring portrayal of Oskar Schindler, a German businessman who saved over a thousand Polish Jews during the Holocaust by employing them in his factories. A stark reminder of humanity's capacity for both evil and good. A must-watch! #SchindlersList #NeverForget ️

Summary in a 1 minute read

Schindler's List is a powerful and emotional film directed by Steven Spielberg. It tells the true story of Oskar Schindler, a German businessman who saved the lives of over 1,100 Jewish people during the Holocaust. The movie follows Schindler as he moves to Krakow, Poland to take advantage of cheap Jewish labor during World War II. However, as he witnesses the atrocities committed against the Jewish people by the Nazis, he begins to use his factory as a safe haven for them. With the help of his accountant, Itzhak Stern, Schindler creates a list of names of Jews to be employed in his factory, saving them from being sent to concentration camps. As the war comes to an end, Schindler risks his own life and fortune to save as many Jews as he can. The film is a poignant and heartbreaking portrayal of one man's heroic efforts to make a difference during one of the darkest periods in human history.

Summary in 1 page

  • Oskar Schindler is a German businessman who arrives in Krakow, Poland in 1939 with the intention of making a fortune by exploiting cheap Jewish labor during World War II.
  • Amon Goeth is a sadistic Nazi officer who is put in charge of a forced labor camp in Krakow.
  • Itzhak Stern is a Jewish accountant who becomes Schindler’s right-hand man in his factory.
  • Helen Hirsch is a Jewish maid who works for Goeth and becomes a key figure in Schindler’s efforts to save Jews.
  • Emilie Schindler is Oskar’s wife who is initially supportive of his business ventures but later becomes more sympathetic towards the Jews.

As Schindler’s factory begins to thrive, he witnesses the brutal treatment of Jews by the Nazis and starts to feel guilty. He forms a friendship with Stern and starts to use his influence to protect his Jewish workers from being sent to concentration camps. He also begins to bribe Nazi officials to keep his workers safe.

As the war progresses, Schindler’s factory becomes a safe haven for Jews, with over 1,100 of them working there. However, the situation becomes more dangerous as the Nazis intensify their efforts to exterminate Jews. Goeth, who is known for his cruelty, becomes increasingly suspicious of Schindler’s actions and starts to investigate.

Meanwhile, Schindler’s relationship with Emilie deteriorates as she becomes more aware of his involvement in saving Jews. She confronts him about his true intentions and he confesses that he wants to save as many Jews as possible.

As the war nears its end, Schindler is forced to flee with his wife as the Soviet army advances. He is devastated to leave behind his factory and his workers, but Stern assures him that they will be safe. Schindler gives Stern a list of all the workers he has saved, which becomes known as the “Schindler’s List.”

In the final days of the war, Goeth is ordered to evacuate his camp and kill all the remaining Jews. However, he is unable to carry out the order and instead flees. Schindler returns to his factory and finds it abandoned, but is relieved to see that all his workers have survived.

The war ends and Schindler is hailed as a hero by his workers. He is overcome with guilt for not being able to save more Jews and breaks down, realizing the true extent of the Holocaust. He and his wife leave for Argentina, but before he goes, he gives Stern a ring engraved with the words “Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire.”

In the final scene, the survivors of Schindler’s List visit his grave in Jerusalem and place stones on it as a sign of respect and gratitude. The film ends with a powerful message that over 6 million Jews were killed during the Holocaust, but because of Schindler’s actions, there are over 6,000 descendants of the survivors.

In conclusion, Schindler’s List is a powerful and emotional film that tells the true story of a man who risked everything to save the lives of over 1,100 Jews during the Holocaust. It highlights the atrocities committed by the Nazis and the bravery of those who stood up against them. Steven Spielberg’s masterful direction and the outstanding performances by the cast make this film a must-watch for all.


  1. What is Schindler’s List?

    Schindler’s List is a 1993 historical drama film directed by Steven Spielberg.
  2. What is the movie about?

    The movie is based on the true story of Oskar Schindler, a German businessman who saved the lives of over a thousand Jewish refugees during the Holocaust.
  3. Who stars in Schindler’s List?

    The movie stars Liam Neeson as Oskar Schindler, Ben Kingsley as Itzhak Stern, and Ralph Fiennes as Amon Goeth.
  4. When was the movie released?

    Schindler’s List was released on December 15, 1993.
  5. What is the significance of the title?

    The title refers to the list of names of Jewish workers that Schindler saved from the concentration camps.
  6. Is the movie based on a true story?

    Yes, the movie is based on the true story of Oskar Schindler and his efforts to save Jewish refugees during the Holocaust.
  7. Where was the movie filmed?

    The movie was filmed in Poland, primarily in Krakow and the nearby town of Kazimierz.
  8. Who wrote the screenplay for Schindler’s List?

    The screenplay was written by Steven Zaillian, based on the book “Schindler’s Ark” by Thomas Keneally.
  9. Did the movie win any awards?

    Yes, Schindler’s List won seven Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Director for Steven Spielberg.
  10. What is the running time of the movie?

    The movie has a running time of 195 minutes.
  11. Is the movie in color or black and white?

    The movie is primarily in black and white, with a few scenes in color for dramatic effect.
  12. What rating did the movie receive?

    The movie received an R rating for its depiction of violence and language.
  13. What is the significance of the red coat in the movie?

    The red coat worn by a young girl in the movie represents the innocence and loss of life during the Holocaust.
  14. What is the message of the movie?

    The movie highlights the power of one person to make a difference and the importance of standing up against injustice.
  15. Is the movie historically accurate?

    While some details may have been changed for dramatic purposes, the overall events and characters in the movie are historically accurate.
  16. Is the movie suitable for children?

    The movie is not recommended for young children due to its heavy subject matter and graphic violence.
  17. What is the significance of the candle scene in the movie?

    The candle scene represents the loss of life and the remembrance of those who were killed during the Holocaust.
  18. What is the theme of the movie?

    The movie explores themes of humanity, compassion, and the consequences of inaction.
  19. Did Oskar Schindler have any personal connections to the Jewish community?

    No, Schindler was not Jewish and had no personal connections to the Jewish community before the war.
  20. What happened to Oskar Schindler after the war?

    Schindler moved to Argentina and later returned to Germany, where he died in 1974.
  21. How did the movie impact the real-life survivors of the Holocaust?

    Many survivors were moved and grateful for the movie’s depiction of their experiences and the efforts of Oskar Schindler.
  22. Is the movie available in other languages?

    Yes, the movie has been dubbed and subtitled in various languages for international release.
  23. What is the rating of the movie on Rotten Tomatoes?

    The movie has a 97% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, based on 97 reviews.
  24. Is the movie available to stream online?

    Yes, the movie is available to stream on various platforms, such as Amazon Prime and Netflix.
  25. What is the significance of the girl in the red coat?

    The girl in the red coat symbolizes the innocence and loss of life during the Holocaust.
  26. What is the impact of the movie on society?

    The movie has raised awareness about the Holocaust and the actions of Oskar Schindler, inspiring many to take action against injustice.


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